Inspiration for activities

Get inspired and get good ideas for your training session by exploring some of our training exercises.

Movement is for everyone – for their whole lives.

With 'Move For Fun' you get tools to create movement sessions for children and young people in their local communities. The exercises are simply described, and several of them have illustrations, pictures or video to explain how the exercise should be performed. Many of the activities are described so that you can develop them further according to your imagination.

Frame for building a training session


Welcome and Startup / icebreaker

Purpose: To create common awareness of the training you have just come to.
How: Play with great entertainment value. Concentration-demanding activities - something that contains timing, tactics, competition elements, etc. Games where you get to know each other and thereby "break the barrier" (Examples).


Purpose: To develop physical, social, cognitive, creative and emotional skills and focus on how these complement and interact with another.

  • Emotional skills: Undertand, manage and express emotions by building self-awareness and handling impulses, as well as staying motivated and confident in the face of difficulties.
  • Cognitive skills: Concentration, problem solving and flexible thinking by learning to tackle complex tasks and building effective strategies to identify solutions.
  • Physical skills: Being physically active, understanding movement and space through practicing sensory-motor skills, developing spatial understanding and nurturing an active and healthy body.
  • Social skills: Collaborate, communicate and understand other people’s perspectives by sharing ideas, negotiating rules and building empathy.
  • Creative skills: Coming up with ideas, expressing them and transforming them into reality by creating associations, symbolising and representing ideas and providing meaningful experiences for others.

Warm up

Purpose: To unleash some of the energy they have with them for the session. It prepares them for the session. For children aged 10-12 years, try a warm-up where the aim is to activate all major muscle groups and joints and get the blood circulation going. You don’t need to get too scientific or medical when explaining the exercises – the objective is to move and to move safely!

How: Games and physical challenges or relays. Play with a certain "freedom", where you can e.g. run at your highest pace, or wherever you want.

Main part

Purpose: The main part is the part of the session where you can focus on the skills that are relevant to the activity or sport you practice. You can work with sensory stimuli, technical skills, compound movements, etc.

How: Play where you sharpen the senses. Different ball games/games that require cooperation and tactics. Games where individual elements from the main activity/sport are included.

Cool down

Purpose: To finish off the session together well, so that everyone can look forward to coming back. Do something that is fun, so you leave with a good feeling and a smile on your face. It can also be a de-stressing activity where you get your heart rate down and stretch.

How: A small competition (penalty kick or throw, a fun relay, who can do... for the longest time, etc.). It can also be a singing game or stretching/relaxation to calm music. Music is generally a really good idea if it can create a calm atmosphere and make the participants think about the things they have learned during the session.