
Get ready for a great experiences with a programme packed with sport activities, shows, concerts and parties.

City floor performances

  • Each team will get a performance in the city. The performance will take place outdoors at wooden floors.
  • You have to choose a timeframe of either 10 or 20 minutes performance time.
  • Floor sizes can vary from 15x25 meter to 20x40 meters.
  • Not all floors are equipped with gymnastics apparatus.
  • At all performance venues, you can use MP3 players.
  • Please indicate in your registration if you need any gymnastics equipment.

Workshops and open activities

L2025 has a programme of activity workshops and other open activities to join in. See all available sports here (In Danish)

Opening and Closing Ceremony

  • All international teams will walk through the city of Vejle Thursday evening as part of the opening parade.
  • All international teams will get access to seeing the closing ceremony at The Landsstævne Stadium Sunday noon.

Gala performances and other festive events

  • Friday: Nordic GymShow
  • Saturday afternoon: Show with 6.000 boarding school students “Efterskoleholdet”.
  • Saturday evening: Show by National Danish Performance Team

Concerts and festival tents

Join the festival parties at night in Vejle. Various concerts and dance-tents etc. open up to all participants.

Overall Programme

Tuesday 1 July

  • Accommodation schools are open from the afternoon

Wednesday 2 July

  • Possible to practice at the city outdoor floor

Thursday 3 July

  • Explore Vejle
  • Open workshops – come and join
  • Opening Parade through the city of Vejle
  • Opening ceremony at the Landsstævne Stadium
  • Concerts and party tents 

Friday 4 July

  • Sport activities and performances throughout the city
  • Open workshops – come and join
  • Nordic GymShow
  • Concerts and party tents

Saturday 5 July

  • Sport activities and performances throughout the city
  • Open workshops – come and join
  • Show by National Danish Performance Team
  • Show by “Efterskoleholdet”
  • Concerts and party tents

Sunday 6 July

  • Closing Ceremony at the Landsstævne Stadium
  • Departure