World Tour 2018

In September, the team left Denmark to go on the world tour and the backpack is already filled up with great experiences and impressions.

The journey began with a short bus ride from Vejle, Denmark to Flensburg, Germany. Here the team did the first shows and workshops. From there, the journey took us about 600 km south to the small charming town of Babenhausen, where the gymnasium Akzeptanz had host families arranged for the whole team. NAMUH was presented for the first time with professional show-lights when we performed on stage at the beautiful Stadttheater in Aschaffenburg.




One of the great experiences in Taiwan has been the workshops we made during the first two weeks. The majority of them was a size we had never imagined. Between 700 and 1,600 participants during each workshop and they all learned our "We Move the World". Judging from the number of selfies taken with the gymnasts after each workshop, it was a great success. During the entire stay we have been busy with shows and especially workshops. Fortunately, there has also been time to experience the country and its culture and people.
The last week we were accommodated with host families in the capital, Taipei. Lovely to get the chance to get to know the locals and becoming part of their everyday lives.

Velkommen til Taiwan.jpg


Already the day after arrival, the gymnasts were ready to make the first show in South America. The location was unusual, an area close to the runway of a military air base in Bogota, where two parked flights marked the scene. With lightweight aircraft in the background, the gymnasts gave a half-hour show and experienced the air of Bogotá. Bogotá lies about 2,500 meters above sea level and that gave the team certain challenges with the absorption of oxygen. 

Show in BogotaShow in Bogota
After 13 days in Bogota we have now reached Palmira near Colombia's third largest city, Santiago de Cali. Here we will be celebrating Christmas together.
We will create a lovely Danish Christmas atmosphere, and send loving thoughts to all of you.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year.