World Gymnaestrada

In just one weeks the team will be performing at World Gymnaestrada 2019 in Dornbirn, Austria.

This will be the final destination for this team. We are happy to let you know, that both General Manager, Mette Holm Rod and Head of World Team, Mette Mogensen will also participate in World Gymnaestrada. Please let us know, if you or your colleagues will be at the Gymnaestrada.

National Danish Performance Team will do 15 minutes performances 3 times at World Gymnaestrada

  • Monday July 8th at 4 pm (Hall 2)
  • Wednesday July 10th at 1.40 pm (Hall 2)
  • Friday July 12th at 9.40 am (Hall 1)

The team will also participate in the performance “Nordic Countries” Tuesday July 9th from 6-8 pm.