NDPT starts World Tour in Germany

Monday the 29th of September National Danish Performance Team started the six-month World Tour with six fantastic days in Germany.

After exciting more than 16.000 Danes on the TAKE OFF TOUR National Danish Performance Team (NDPT) started its World Tour Monday the 29th of September. Now, 12 different countries on four continents in six months await and the first stop was Germany. 

The first activities took place in Giessen near Frankfurt, where 150 German school children participated in two workshops with Danish games, acrobatics, gymnastics, vaulting and the brand new ‘We Move The World Dance’ which the team will dance with people of all ages all over the globe. 

Tuesday evening, NDPT enjoyed their premiere of the international version of the show ORBITA in front of 850 people in Giessen, who enjoyed the fantasy universe and especially the humoristic elements. ORBITA has been adjusted to an international audience by replacing the transitions with Danish speak and will continue to develop. 

Danish Dynamite in Aalen

On Wednesday, NDPT travelled on to the German city of Aalen, where the next couple of days were spent with the local hosts, meeting the mayor at the city hall, enjoying a thermal pool and lots of training to prepare for the show Friday night. 

The show in Aalen was a big 30-year anniversary for the performance group ‘Die Ostalbhurgler’ with 900 people in a fully decorated show hall with coloured lights and other special effects. It was a perfect end to a fantastic start of the World Tour in Germany.

Both hosts and audience were exited about ORBITA and the unique birthday sequences created especially for Aalen. NDPT was afterwards referred to as ‘Danish Dynamite’ with reference to the popular Danish National Football Team that amazed the whole world with their special style and attitude towards the game in the 1980’ies. 

Hopefully NDPT will continue to move people this way in the other countries on the World Tour as well. Next stop is South Korea where three exiting weeks with shows, workshops and plenty of cultural experiences await the team.