NDPT learned from the best in Japan

National Danish Performance team has just visited Japan for 16 days as a part of the World Tour. A mutual workshop with the skilled gymnasts from Kukushikan University was among the many highlights.

The NDPT-gymnasts are among the best in Denmark, and the team is known through out the world as one of the best within performance gymnastics. 

But when talking about gymnastic tools - e.g. clubs, hoops and balls - the Japanese and especially the Kukushikan University outside Tokyo are in a league of their own. Therefore NDPT did a mutual workshop with the talented university gymnasts, who are extremely flexible, experts in synchronization and able to do impressing tricks with their tools.

Mr. Mads Nyhus Kirk, NDPT-coach, was extremely happy with the workshop, which was very beneficial:

"The Kukushikan-gymnasts are among the world's best with tools, and they're able to do all the things that we can't - yet. They're mastering insane tricks, and it's very inspiring for us to train with them."

Mr. Mads Nyhus Kirk, NDPT-coach

The NDPT-gymnasts also showed and taught their best tricks at the entertaining workshop, and the two teams also did a show together.

Workshops for all ages

During the 16 days in Japan the NDPT-gymnasts held 16 workshops with 1647 Japanese of all ages. Many of the workshops were at Yokohama International School, where the team spent three days and also stayed with host families from the school.

Among the workshops were also some special ones. Like the one at Aichi Health Plaza outside of Nagoya, where a large group of mature gymnastic women did 90 minutes of Danish traditional gymnastics. 

Besides workshops the show ORBITA was performed 11 times for more than 12.000 Japanese, and NDPT also found the time to shop in Tokyo, travel with the Shinkansen-train and experience an important part of world history, when the team visited Hiroshima and the museum for the atomic bombing in 1945. 

NDPT left Japan and travelled to Indonesia on Monday the 1st of December and will spend the most of December in the populous country and celebrate christmas in Jakarta. Indonesia is the fifth country on the six month long world tour.