NDPT celebrated Christmas and New Year’s Eve in South East Asia

Christmas in 30 degrees and New Year's Eve at a big beach party: National Danish Performance Team visited Indonesia and Singapore in December.

The NDPT-gymnasts celebrated Christmas far away from home in Jakarta after traveling through Indonesia during December. There was no traditional roast pork, but instead eager gymnasts managed to buy alternative Christmas snacks, decorated the hotel room for Christmas Eve and cooked enormous amounts of rice pudding. 

Before Christmas NDPT spent all of December in Indonesia and experienced both the popular tourist destination of Bali and the main island Java - the world's most populated island with more than 140 million people. The density was especially evident when traveling with bus with trips often lasting 10, 12 and 16 hours! 

During the weeks in Indonesia the team did 10 workshops with 1100 participants and 12 shows in front of 4600 audiences, but there was also time for being cultural and enjoying the magnificent nature. Bali's waves were tested on surfboards, Borobudur - the world's largest Buddhist monument was visited - and the team encountered hot springs, rain forest and volcanoes.

A sandy New Year's Eve

The 26th of December - Boxing Day - NDPT traveled from Indonesia to Singapore and was welcomed by the Danish Seamen's Church and Danish host families, who made sure to give the gymnasts some very homely and relaxing Christmas days after touring Asia for three months. 

NDPT performed a gala show with 450 audiences and did a workshop with 120 gymnasts together with Singapore Gymnastics before getting ready to celebrate New Year's Eve.

The NDPT-gymnasts we're also working on the last day of the year - but in a quite alternative way. At 11 PM they were dancing to the music of DJ Funky T on the biggest stage at a massive beach party at the small island Sentosa just outside of Singapore. More than 5000 people danced along with the eager gymnasts, and no one seemed to be able to think of a better way to end 2014. 

In both Indonesia and Singapore the Danish Embassies have made great efforts to help NDPT and to give the team unique experiences - e.g. bike rides in Jakarta and mini performances in the gardens of the Ambassador's Residences. 

Originally NDPT was supposed to finish the three months in Asia with five days in Malaysia, but when the program was cancelled Team Manager Mr. Torben Nielsen decided to stay in Singapore until leaving for Costa Rica on January 6th. The extra days have been used to train and to develop the show ORBITA.